This task track the effort of the following tasks:
- Document the new policies related with the new repository structure, highlighting the changes compared with the previous one.
- Create announcement for the coming change and considerations for users and contributors
- Change the instructions in GDP-ivi9 feature page and target board pages based on the new repository structure
- Transition has started: create announcement
- Change follow up: informative mail on Wednesday with an update about the change
- Create anouncement: the old repos are no longer available.
- Create blog post about the transition
1.- Document new policies
- Documented in the wiki, GDP management page the new policies to manage the repositories.
- Use the readme file content as base.
- The idea is to avoid details. In the wiki page we just want general policies.
- Add a link to the readme file.
- New repos howto
- Merge policy
2.- Create announcement: transition is coming 
The mail should include:
- Background
- Links to discussions
- Why we do this change
- Expected benefits and potential issues
- How the transition will take place
- timeline
3.- Change instructions to build/run GDP-ivi9 
Instructions to build from scratch or download and run GDP-ivi 9 are affected by this change. Target board wiki pages and the feature page are affected:
- GDP-ivi0 feature page
- Target boards:
- RPi2
- Porter
- Minnowboard
4.- Create announcement: transition has started 
Blog post sent on Tuesday May 31st, supported by a mail, announcing the start of the transition process, which should include:
- Transition overview
- Timeline
- timeline
- Expected impact
- For maintainers
- For contributors
- Impact for PRs
- For users
- Impact for those who still want to sue the former repos
- Link to new policies and instructions to work with the new repositories.
- Links to instructions about how to run/build GDP for each target
- Message to test the new repo.
5.- Create a transition follow up communication (since there has been no issues, we skipped this step)
GDP delivery team will send a mail on Wednesday June 1st to projects ML with a follow up of the process including the folllowing content:
- Overview of the change
- Highlights of the process so far
- Remind that Thusrday June 2nd the former repos will be erased.
- Reinforce the idea that there are people available to support you in the transition
- Link to new policies and instructions of the new repositories
6.- Create an announcement: former repos no longer available 
On Thursday June 2nd it should be announced that the transtition perios has finished.
- Background and highlights of the transition
- The former repos are already unavailable
- Contact the delivery team in case you have a problem
- Link to new policies and instructions of the new repositories
7.- Create a blog post about the transition. Due to lack of issues, we shipped this task)
Summarise the transition in a blog post including:
- Problem we wanted to solve
- Challenges we needed to face
- Description of the new repository structure
- Put as reference the former one
- Consequences/benefits for maintainers, contributors and users. Expected results.
- Description of the transtion process
- Next steps and next chanllenges.
Issue Links
- is blocked by
GDP-126 New repo/branch structure for GDP: analysis and proof of concept (PoC)
- Done