Analysing the critical p[ath that users follow to build, run and learn about GDP, the delivery team found the meta-genivi-dev file in github does not reflect the new structure yet.
Task description
Now that Master is in place and that the new content structure reflects its existance, needs to reflect the new structure, pointing genivi-dev-platform consumers to Master wiki page
Issue Links
- is caused by
GDP-291 Improve the critical journey path for GDP users
- Analysis
- is cloned by
GDP-275 Instructions improvement
- Done
- relates to
GDP-319 Warning about target boards not being supported yet
- Done
GDP-356 Warning about target boards not being supported yet: RC1
- Done
GDP-397 Warning about target boards not being supported yet: GDP 11 RC2
- Done
GDP-264 Announcement: Master has been created
- Done