Resolution: Done
Task description
Prepare the download page with the new information:
- Descriptions and hashes of downloadable files.
- Link to the download and installation instructions for each released target.
- Include links to the files to download.
- Include link to the feature page
Create a row per target. It is the simplest approach.
The following tasks also needs to be done:
- Erase the previous instructions
- Create a new link in the previous release section. The only information in the page should be about the current relase
Issue Links
- blocks
GDP-312 Pre-release checks on RD-1: GDP 11 beta
- Done
- causes
GDP-313 Update Roadmap page: GDP 11 Beta release
- Done
- clones
GDP-133 GDP download page: prepare for the new GDP-ivi9 release
- Done
- is blocked by
GDP-306 Update GDP 11 feature page for the Beta release
- Done
- is caused by
GDP-304 GDP 11 Beta deployment tests: verify files to be published and instructions
- Done
- relates to
GDP-309 GDP 11 beta release announcement: creation
- Done