Resolution: Done
Task description
Once the decision has been made to declare an image for each target Board Gold Master there are several tasks to do:
- Introduce a tag in meta-genivi-dev and genivi-dev-platform referring to the release.
- Create a specific for the branch, with information specific for the release.
- Create metadata based on Gold Master.
( completed, location passed on to genivi IT)
- Sign the images and metadata. ( is generating md5sum lists per board, manually.)
- Communicate to the Release team the place to download the image and metadata (ticket will be created in IT team jira when links are ready)
(previously mentioned, IT ticket created)
- Communicate the release date to: marketing, PMO, community management
- Communicate Release date/time
- to the mailing list.
- social media
- to the mailing list.
Request redirection of to the blog post with the new release announcement, which view should be restricted until the RT.
This task is better described in the Release Howto
- GDP 11 branch creation
- Readme file for the branch created
- Tags applied to genivi-dev-platform and meta-genivi-dev (done where applicable)
- Images and metadata signed
- Checksum generation is completed by, Still have to manually confirm the files though
- Gold Master declared
- RD= Thursday Oct 6th
- RT= 11:00 UTC
- Gold Master communicated
- During the GDP call it will be communicated.
- Mail to Marketing, PMO, community manager and ceo
Issue Links
- causes
GDP-380 Pre-deployment: GDP 11 RC2 image and metadata
- Done
GDP-385 GDP 11 RC2 release social Media plan: creation
- Done
GDP-393 Peripherals wiki page update: GDP 11 RC2 release
- Done
GDP-394 Update known issues tickets: GDP 11 RC2
- Done
GDP-407 Presentation + demo of GDP at ELCE 2016
- Done
- mentioned in
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