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  1. GENIVI Development Platform
  2. GDP-376 GDP 11 RC2 release
  3. GDP-382

GDP 11 RC2 deployment tests: verify files to be published and instructions


    • Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Low
    • GDP 11 RC2
    • None
    • None



      After getting the location of the files to download (URLs) from GENIVI IT, the following tasks needs to be done:

      • Verify the links to download the signed images and metadata. Download the images.
      • Compare hashes. This will ensure the integrity of the images and metadata for the following targets:
        • QEMU
        • Minnowboard
        • RPI2
        • RPi3
        • DragonBoard 410c
      • Verify installation and building instructions with the downloaded archives.
        • QEMU
        • Minnowboard
        • RPi2
        • RPi3
        • DragonBoard 410c
        • This is the point where the instructions should be tested, now against the images to release. Something wrong in the instructions might have a similar impact that something wrong in the images.
      • Verify that GDP Master works for those who want to build GDP 11 for every target board from scratch
        • QEMU
        • Minnowboard
        • RPi2
        • RPi3
        • Dragonboard 410c
        • Porter
        • Silk

      Many people will want to build the images from scratch. The delivery team needs to verify that Master instructions work ok to build the different released images but also the creation of binaries for boards that has restrictions in the distribution of binaries, so build them from scratch is required.


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