Resolution: Done
Following Stephen Lawrence mail, we will analise the chances to ship GDP-ivi9 with weston 1.9 instead of weston 1.6
{{"On 01/02/16 14:18, Stephen Lawrence wrote:
>> One thing I can think of is that "early" branch was a means of accessing the
> Weston 1.9.0 recipes
>> for Genivi 9. That said, it would make more sense to actually branch 9 and use
> the official recipes
>> if they are now available.
> Possibly some confusion here, for GDP based off ivi9 (which I presume
> you're inferring by Genivi 9) the weston version is 1.6, not 1.9?
Yes the Genivi 9 branch of meta-ivi uses Weston 1.6 by default, as that is what the underlying
Poky meta uses. When this was discussed in the BIT I stated my intention to skip 1.6 and move
directly to supporting 1.9 for a few reasons. I couldn't see the point of asking the gfx team to
move from 1.5 to 1.6 only to jump a couple of months later to 1.9. Also 1.9 was the target for
the LM team. Finally with one of the Compositor components upstream in Wayland/Weston it's likely
Wayland/Weston tracking was going to become disconnected from the Poky meta roadmap
anyway, or a bunch of back-porting was going to become necessary.
Tom Counihan from Intel said that moving to 1.9 was also a good match to Intel's direction.
At the time no issue was raised with that idea so that has been my direction.
Do you (or anyone else for that matter) foresee a problem?
The "early branch" was basically Genivi 9 + Weston 1.9 hence my comment on this thread.
Although looking at it again the branch name is not the best for this purpose and official 1.9 Weston
recipes are now available in Poky master. So it's a somewhat moot point as a more appropriate way of
getting the Weston 1.9 recipes is needed.
Issue Links
- duplicates
GDP-51 Update weston in GDP-ivi9 to version 1.9
- Done