Task description
Once the decision has been made to declare an image for each target Board Gold Master there are several tasks to do:
- Introduce a tag in meta-genivi-demo referring to the release.
- Create metadata based on Gold Master.
- Sign the images and metadata.
- Communicate to the Release team the place to download the image and metadata
- Communicate Release date/time.
- Communicate the release date to: marketing, PMO, community management
Request redirection of to the blog post with the new release announcement, which view should be restricted until the RT.
This task is better described in the Release Howto
- Readme file updated.
- Repos consolidated and renamed it.
- Tags applied for the release in the last merged commits
- Images and metadata signed
- Gold Master declared
- RD= Tuesday April 19th
- RT= 11:00 UTC
Issue Links
- blocks
GDP-134 Update GDP-ivi9 feature page
- Done
GDP-137 GDP-ivi9 release announcement: creation
- Done
- causes
GDP-130 Deployment: GDP-ivi9 images and metadata
- Done
GDP-135 GDP-ivi9 social Media plan: creation
- Done
GDP-142 Update Roadmap page: GDP-ivi9 release
- Done
- is blocked by
GDP-120 GDP-ivi9 on Renesas Porter
- Done
GDP-82 GDP-ivi9 on RPi2
- Done
GDP-140 Update readme file for GDP-ivi9 release
- Done
GDP-90 Figure out if license allows distribution for Renesas graphics
- Done
- is cloned by
GDP-301 Gold master declaration: GDP 11 beta release
- Done
- relates to
GDP-146 Check all submodule layers are upto date with the HEAD of Fido 1.8.* branches
- Done