For the release of GDP-11-RC1 the minnowboard image was deployed in '.hddimg' for, which is the default output from the yocto build and requires the use of a poky script to flash. Conversion to .sdimg (to allow the use of 'dd' or windows tools to the same effect) was handled manually in the previous gdp-9 release:
dd if=/dev/zero of="$SDIMAGE" bs=1024 count=1M
sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0
sudo losetup /dev/loop0 "$SDIMAGE"
sudo ../poky/scripts/contrib/ /dev/loop0 tmp/deploy/images/*/genivi-dev-platform-intel-corei7-64.hddimg /dev/mmcblk0 <<EOF
sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0
gzip "$SDIMAGE"
This however can not be applied by the go users on the agents due to limitations on sudo and mounting. Investigation should take place into if bitbake can be forced to generate a .sdimg at deploy time, or if it makes more sense to do it manually
Issue Links
- duplicates
GDP-370 Create a 'dd' supported image for Minnowboard without sudo
- Done