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  1. GENIVI Development Platform
  2. GDP-569

GDP does not handle multiple display outputs



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Low
    • None
    • GDP 11
    • GDP Master


      With a board that has multiple display outputs GDP may not select the one required, typically HDMI.
      It appears GDP uses whichever is the first enumerated display.

      I have observed this in both GDP-10 with our M2 Koelsch board and in GDP-11 and GDP-12 with our M3 Salvator-X board. In both cases the first enumerated display is VGA and so it used by GDP for output.

      The problem can be worked around by disabling the other displays (LVDS and VGA) in the weston.ini (in R-Car Salvator-X boards they are named VGA-1 and LVDS-1. GDP then displays an image on HDMI.

      The issue has been raised on GDP weekly calls and in meta-genivi-dev pull request #31 but has not really gone anywhere with maintainers so I am raising this ticket for this issue.

      The central initial question is how does GDP make its display choice when a multiple display board is used?
      Is there a runtime configuration option to control which is used?

      Reproducing issue on M2 Koelsch
      You should be able to reproduce this issue on M2 Koelsch by using the GDP setup mechanism for M2 Porter and then changing the MACHINE before building. The approximate steps are:
      1. Initialise GDP for M2 Porter.
      2. Edit your local.conf so the MACHINE variable is "koelsch".
      Note for a Koelsch build you will need PR #31 above which was recently merged. Either at this point or after the build remove the lines in weston.ini that disable LVDS and VGA.
      3. Continue the build steps as documents for Porter.

      Reproducing issue on M3 Salvator-X
      1. Follow the build instructions in the GDP Master wiki page.
      2. Boot GDP on M3 Salvator-X and note output is on VGA.
      2b. This can be checked programmatically by looking at the output of running the following command on the target:
      /usr/bin/LayerManagerControl get scene


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              stephen.lawrence Stephen Lawrence
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